The Next Steps Class

Get Connected at Bridge Cities Church.

Next Steps

The Next Steps class is a four-session series that helps you to better understand our vision, purpose and structure. At BCC, we have 4 pillars that we believe God is calling us to live out - Gather, Serve, Connect and Build.

Next Steps happens every Sunday after both gatherings in classroom 1.

Step 1


BCC Sunday gatherings are guided by Hebrews 10:25, which means to regularly gather for worship, prayer, and connection. Sunday gatherings are for all ages, allowing us to connect with God and community and to further embrace the vision of BCC.


Step 2

BCC emphasizes serving both inside and outside of the church context, including Sunday gatherings. Serving is commanded by Jesus and reflects a posture of humility and the priority of the well-being of others.


Step 3

We believe God created us for companionship and that discipleship happens best through relationships. The church functions as a family, growing together in Christ.


Step 4

We are called to make an impact that is bigger than Sunday, bigger than Bettendorf and beyond our lifetime.


Is there a Next Steps class every week?

Yes!  The classes are held on the corresponding week of the month - Gather is week 1, Serve is week 2, Connect is week 3 and Build is week 4. (no class on the 5th Sunday) The classes do not need to be attended in consecutive order - you are welcome to join at any time.

Is Next Steps available after both gatherings?

Yes! The Next Step class is offered 2 times on Sunday morning - immediately following  each Large Gathering. This class is approximately 15 minutes in duration.  A staff member and volunteer will be available to facilitate the time and to answer questions.  

Is there childcare?

Yes, for the session that meets following the first Large Gathering.  If your children are already participating in a BCC Kids class during that time, they may remain there until the conclusion of the Next Step session.