We see in scripture that we are called to be stewards of all that God has graciously blessed us with, and that includes material resources. When we view ourselves as stewards, then we are empowered to live free and open-handed with those resources because it all truly belongs to God.
2 Corinthians 9:6-15 is one the strongest New Testament teachings on the heart of generosity. The way we steward our finances is an expression of the heart. Honoring God by giving to the work of furthering the Gospel is both biblical and worshipful. Many people are afraid to give because of abuse of finances within other ministry fails or the don’t feel they have anything to give. Our encouragement is to start somewhere with biblical generosity.
Giving financially is a release of control and a step of faith to trust God through obedience. When we put Him first by obeying and worshipping Him this way, He always takes care of us.
At Bridge Cities Church, we use the finances given to compensate staff to be able to vocationally focus on ministry gifting and callings for the further advancement of this local gathering. We also use those resources to steward our 17 acre campus that enables us to do ministry locally and globally. Also, when you give, you also are contributing to mission organizations like The Timothy Initiative and others locally and globally to further the Gospel.
Lastly, we do not pass an offering basket but there are giving boxes located at both of the Auditorium entry doors and you can give online. We publish an annual report to the congregation regarding a budget overview and maintain a high degree of transparency regarding how funds are managed. You may inquire at any time regarding those things as you have questions or concerns. Our staff and elders do not know who gives or how much an individual gives. We believe that information is between you and God.
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the work that God has called Bridge Cities Church to do!